Bro. Jordan B. Burks
Bro. Jordan Burks graduated from Wayne County
High School in 2006 and graduated from Morehead
State University in the fall 2010. He now teaches online classes for Bluegrass Technical Institute and The Kctcs program, teaching history, Intro to politics and as of late teaching Government . He is also the youth pastor and music director at Burnside 1st Baptist. Where attends church service under the pastor Bro. Richard Christian, and associate pastor Bro. John Piercy.
Bro. Jordan has been singing since the age of 2, playing piano since the age of 5, and has also picked up many instruments along the way. Bro.Jordan has been playing professionally in ensembles for many years those include Morehead State concert band, MSU Jazz, Big Band, and Trombone Choir, and has been a filler for the Knoxville Philharmonic playing bass, piano, and trombone. He has also had a wonderful opportunity to front for many groups such as Three Bridges, The Cupp's, The Singing Cookes, Dr. Ralph Stanley. The Inspirations, and The McKamey's.
Bro. Jordan is a wonderful inspriation to everyone around him as well as his students, and those he meets everyday.
Jordan is the Bass,piano player,lead singer, and founder of the FCB's. Bro. Jordan enjoys many simple things such as being outside with his four dogs, riding his motorcycle to the lake, and working on cars.
Jordan was married to his wonderful wife Nikole in August of 2011, and she supports him in all his passions. His parents are very proud and love him for all that he is doing for the Lord. Bro.Dewey {pastor of Fall Creek Baptist} and Shirley Burks who stand behind him all the way and have been for many many years.
Jordan was ordained in July 2010 by the Fall Creek Baptist Church. I was saved when I was 8 I give God all Glory for what I do, I know that I would be nothing without God. I thank God for our fans our family and our friends, without the prayers we would not be able to go on.