If you would like to write to the Fall Creek Boys please write to
3249 Hwy 1275 North Monticello Ky 42633
115 Marty Lane Monticello Ky 42633
We would be happy to hear from you.
Dear Friends,
We here at the Fall Creek Boys online want to do one thing and one thing only, and that is to serve God. As a member of Fall Creek Baptist Church and a preacher for our Lord Jesus Christ, I understand that we as Christians we must work together to he bring lost souls to the Saving Power Of Christ Our Lord. We have all sinned and come short of the glory of God, we were born in sin but praise God we can live knowing that we know who holds tomorrow. We have no intention of making a profit or a name for ourselves, God is the one we are working for and nothing else. I give God all the praise for what he has done for me and what he is going to do for those who will let them. If I can ever be of any help please feel free to contact me at anytime. My prayer is that God will be first in our nation, our mind and our heart. God bless us all, God Bless you, and God Bless America.
Bro. Jordan Burks
From Our Family to yours Thank you for your prayers God bless you.